26. Apr 2023

What is the difference between a motion sensor and a presence sensor?

What is the difference between a motion sensor and a presence sensor?
What is the difference between a motion sensor and a presence sensor?

Wouldn’t it be nice to walk into your garden and have the lights on your terrace automatically turn on, and off again as soon as you leave? Or to be absolutely sure that there are no trespassers stealing your delivery packages? By including motion sensors or presence sensors in your smart home, you can achieve just that. But what’s the difference between these applications and how do they work?

How do motion and presence sensors work?

Motion sensors and presence sensors work similarly, as they measure movement in an area, for example in your garden, kitchen or bedroom.

Motion sensors register actions, such as someone walking into a room, and require more substantial movement. Presence sensors, however, are more sensitive than motion sensors. They can measure more subtle movements, as they work with higher image resolutions.

When to use a motion or presence sensor?

It all depends on the lay-out of your home, where you live and how you move about your own space. For instance, if you live in a country where it gets very dark in winter, it’s nice to have your driveway or garage lights turn on as you park your car. Or to have a night light when you’re visiting the bathroom late at night.

Ideally, you would set up a combination of motion and presence sensors where they’d be most effective:

  • Motion sensors in areas that see more movement, such as hallways or staircases
  • Presence sensors in areas where you’re sitting or lying still, such as a home office, living room or bedroom

Any of these sensors can be used to trigger actions within your smart home set-up, for example turning lights on or off, playing music, activating a home security system or heating appliances.

In short, if you’re thinking about setting up a smart home, don’t forget about adding motion and presence sensors to the mix as well. They can add even more functionality and comfort by following the way you and your family move through your home.

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